(c) 2016 HadassahShabnamLal
I must come to Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg of FB defense in light of the BullShit story by Daniel Roberts of Yahoo, more appropriately YEEHOWL Libtard news! It's important to understand that FB is a Social Media Company with one of the fastest revenue growth factors in combining ads, social interaction, etc. Though the FB algorithms have been a source of ire for many, Zuckerberg stated in an interview earlier, that he believed in the process of Democracy as Peter Theil of Paypal sits on FB board and is a Trump Supporter. Let's face it, Yahoo will never be what FB has become in terms of a Social Media force to be reckoned with. They do not want to be accused I'm sure of precisely the bullshit that Yahoo is attempting to start, but then Yahoo has done the same to Donald J. Trump. Yahoo is competing with FB not just for dollars, but public interest and News, and they could end up losing. But then perhaps it’s because they want to "shift the blame" and just cannot handle the fact that Mr. Trump won not just fair and square but that God was with him? There have been many miracles in not just the book of the Jews the Bible, but even in the rebirth of the modern day nation of Israel since their rebirth in 1948. I for one am a believer in the power of Democracy, and I support the nation of Israel as being the sole Democracy in the Middle East and I Love and support the Jewish people as well. I practice Messianic Judaism and have studied my roots. After all, Christianity began as an offshoot of Judaism. Not only that but America owes its very existence to a Jewish banker/financier named Haym Solomon who funded the American Revolution and was a friend to Gen. George Washington. America would not even exist were it not for a Jew. I am sure that none of us want a dictatorship that led to the slaughter of millions of Jews & Christians at the behest of Hitler's hate machine. That is just one of the many reasons, we must all work together to fight against anything or anyone who threatens the delicate balance necessary for the democracies of the world to survive. Just watch this slide show of the holocaust photos and my rendition of Hatikvah (Israel's National Anthem). You will be soberly reminded of why 'NEVER AGAIN' http://www.hadassahshabnamlal.com/hatikvah.html
Shalom Mr. Zuckerberg and Ms. Sandberg