© 2016 HadassahShabnamLal
Let’s face it; every man was once a little boy with testosterone, that hormone which made him an honorary little boy, who grew up to be a man. Some men, if not all will at times still be boys, only the prices of their toys change. There was a time when boys were taught to be men. The Bible states that where the people perish, that is especially true when it comes to men. Men have need of a strong man in their lives, and the love of a mother, and having God fearing parents is especially important. Donald Trump was blessed to have both parents in his childhood, which contributed to him being a typically strong man with whom many men identify. However, much has changed. Sadly, since the feminist movement of the 1960’s the demarcation lines became blurred and as of late have become ridiculous although most of Americans long for there to be, the clearly defined gender roles have gone by the wayside. There was a time when Patriotism was valued, and the importance of families and along with love of God and country was valued and cherished. It was part of being a man. To be a man meant you had faith in God, and stood unflinching in your principles and values. You fought for your family, your mothers and sisters. There were clear boundary lines a man did not cross. A man would have a purpose that he felt so strongly about that he would die for it. Being a man meant you worked hard, you did not give in to a life of ease, but rather one of value and purpose. No I’m not talking about cowboys; I’m talking about men mostly of yesteryear. But perhaps I’m not. We have observed the Master Baiter Media spin their stories and strike at Mr. Trump but actually, he is a man who has found his purpose.
Since I raised a son as a single mother but I am very traditional and old fashioned, I made a point of studying the male mind and heart. I wanted to raise a strong son, a noble one, which is no easy task, especially in this day and age. It’s been my observation that much of society has declared war on the American male. Boys are treated like public enemy number one too often. The Media is horrid to say the least. Images of same sex crap flood us, and the testosterone laden boys are considered to be expendable. I personally have more male friend than females and I have found they’re actually a lot more sensitive than society gives them credit for. The rates of suicide if five times higher in boys than girls and they suffer from learning disabilities at a rate six times higher than girls. Unfortunately society is dumbing them down, and medicating them. Many do it themselves be it nicotine, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, or heroin or other drugs. Many are addicted to pornography and video games living out their fantasies as warriors as God created them to. They get lost in professional sports or other endeavors never really finding that true purpose. It is for these reasons, and for our sons, that we need a strong man in our White House as President. We need Donald J. Trump.