©2016 Hadassah ShabnamLal (Pakistani Christian American)
There is Only One Man Anointed and Appointed by God to Make America Great Again. This man is Bold enough to stand up to the evil and corruption in America and has the Brawn to call out the Master Baiter Media out and the Social Media Sharks as they lie, cheat, deceive, and often delete the facts from his speeches and incidents regarding him, and the truth about his opponent who is the biggest liar to ever run for office. He is Conservative and Caring, well traveled and Cultured in understanding the ways of the world. Donald J. Trump is Determined to fight for America against the Democratic agenda of Deceit. In addition, he is Empathetic to the plight of Middle Class America. He is a Formidable Foe to the enemies of America and the underdog. Generous in giving to others when no one is looking, he is Gregarious and Glaringly Honest, and Humble when it comes to his faith. In addition, he is the only candidate who can truly bring about Hope of retaining some semblance of the American dream. Donald J. Trump is a huge and Impeccable supporter of Israel the only democracy in the Middle East and home of the Jewish people. He believes in serving Justice and has demonstrated Kindness to many. His Love for America is unmatched by any Presidential Candidate running as he is a Man of his Word. His No-nonsense approach to the dirty world of politics is surprising to those opposing him as he has managed to inspire average citizens to Organize grassroots efforts without being asked. His Patriotism is contagious, and his Protective fatherly attitude is refreshing. His Questioning of political games, dishonesty at the expense of the American Taxpayer has set the evil ones in government on edge. Through many tragedies and triumphs he has proven that he is a Resilient man to be taken Seriously, and a political force to be Reckoned with. His Truthfulness and Tenacity in exposing the corrupt political and governmental establishment has proven his skills as the greatest Unifying force of Conservative and Sensible Americans who value the Judeo-Christian Faith of our Fathers, Family, the American Tradition, the Right to bear Arms and protect our families along with opportunities for success and the Pursuit of Happiness. Trump is Unyielding in acting and behaving like the typical politician or the political establishment. When it comes to protecting America and fighting for our Veterans, he has proven himself to be a Valiant man as he has contributed over a Million Dollars to our Vets, the Vietnam Memorial in New York City, and even organized a parade honoring our most deserving Citizens who place their lives on the line in our Armed Forces. In addition, he honors our public servants such as Police, Firefighters, and The Port Authority. His Patriotic, Fatherly attitude has helped him to stand resolute in his proposal to build a Wall to protect American Citizens against incoming illegals not just from South of the Border but also many from the Middle East holding false credentials. Merry X-Mas will be celebrated once again under this great courageous Patriotic Man instead of that politically correct Happy Holidays crap. His tough go get Em attitude is reminiscent of a Young Turk. There is no Presidential Candidate who is more Zealous for the cause of the America I grew up in than Donald J. Trump.