© 2015 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
America has stood by Israel since its rebirth on May 14, 1948. In fact, the United States of America has been the sole protectorate of Yisrael until recently in 2015. The decline has taken place slowly and insidiously. Only satan (I refuse to capitalize the name of such evil), could orchestrate such things. There was a time, when America was a strong and vibrant nation with a growing economy and status of military power unmatched. America won two World Wars and numerous smaller conflicts. However, in the aftermath of 9/11 and the 2008 presidential election, America has taken a trip to the cemetery.
The decline began sadly in the 1960’s with the removal of the Ten Commands (the foundation of America’s Judeo-Christian) heritage, then the removal of prayer, the fundamental form of communication with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thereafter, America began its slippery slope of decline to the dregs of sexual promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, illicit use of drugs, murder and all the vices that point to societal decline. America is no longer a nation where responsibility and commitment are the norm. It is pathetic when the parents of a thief threaten to sue a city because of color and not crime. Overindulgence has become the norm even in the Christian circles, when televangelists move to the lows of begging for $65 million dollars for private jets. Easy credit has replaced cash, and irresponsibility has replaced accountability thus we are being “cut-off” now as a nation and as a people from God’s Holy Protection. The word “Need” has replaced “Greed” as children even the in ghettos sport iPhones and $100 dollar shoes. Most households have numerous televisions as well as the latest electronic gadgets and cars. However, the family is in a serious state of decline as America continues its downward spiral economically and morally.
Things have gone from bad to worse in the aftermath of 9/11 and show no signs of reversal. America has now taken the final set of nails to its coffin by refusing to stand with Israel our only democratic ally in the Middle East. The typical American family fashioned after God’s view of a biblical family headed by a father and mother (male and female) is now ridiculed as homosexuality is touted as the new “norm.” We are being bombarded by images of men marrying men, and women marrying women and kissing each other. Pot and alcohol have taken a back seat to more sinister drugs. Our Veterans are being treated with utter disrespect and contempt by the current administration.
Christians are now the new Jews to be hated and murdered worldwide as we watch beheadings on our iPhones, Galaxies, and Androids. Instead of America standing strong with Israel as previous administration, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin NetanYahu was snubbed on his recent visit and speech by the President of the United States. The Libtard Media was unkind to say the least. No more moral absolutes, and under the lie of multiculturalism, we now call what was once considered “evil” “good” and what was called “good” is now called “evil” It is a sad state of affairs to say the least. The deity of God is no longer considered “supreme” as “all roads lead to heaven. The very existence of God is now questioned. Where “God bless America was the mantra” it has been replaced with numerous pagan gods, and we hear “Allah curse Israel the little satan, and Allah curse America the big satan” This insanity must stop, or the steep decline which shows no sign of stopping will continue. America owes its very existence to a Jew named Haym Solomon who financed our Revolutionary War. If we do not repent as a Nation, and refuse to stand with Israel and God’s people, then we will be cut off from God’s Holy Protection.