BONDAGE: My response to those who build their entire theology around one verse in the NT and are somewhat masochistic in their thinking and have a "Jesus complex" and think that somehow they are holier if they allow themselves to be victims of the abuse of others. I call it bondage, so here it goes. Do you honestly think that I am going to pray for those bastards who just beheaded 30 of my brethren? do you think I'm going to pray for those who plot evil? what is wrong with you? did you not read the entire Bible? the OT psalms of King David against his enemies? or just one verse in the NT and base your entire theology or a remark on that? seriously? I'm no ninny; and I have a Masters in Ministry, but I take the full Word to heart, not just one or two Bible verses and build a whole life or theology around it, that is called bondage.
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November 2019