© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
I’m the daughter of parents who encouraged us to attain a higher education. They were both educators. I received my Masters in Ministry Leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University, thus studying great leaders is a hobby, and I aspire to be one. Generally speaking, the hallmark of a great leader is that he is living his life for a cause greater than himself.
You judge a leader not just by the Company he leads, but the Company he keeps.” HadassahShabnamLal
“Do not be misled: “Bad Company corrupts good character.” 1 Cor. 15:33 NLT The Holy Bible.
Mr. Trump has had to change the guard of his campaign even when it hurt his heart as he is well known to value loyalty. Proverbs 17:17 “A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.” Proverbs 18:24 “There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.”
In the aftermath of him taking a stand to defend America and build a Wall, many who he thought were his friends turned against him. The Republican Party has had some of the worst turncoats in history. I find it quite amazing that there were Seventeen candidates and Sixteen were eliminated, and Mr. Trump has come away triumphant. In light of the many exaggerated and false accusations leveled at Mr. Trump, the following two Bible verses describe Mr. Trump’s demise in the nasty world of politics. Job 6:14 “One should be kind to a fainting friend, but you accuse me without any fear of the Almighty.” Job 6:27 “You would even send an orphan into slavery or sell a friend.” We have witnessed the preceding happen in our government under the leadership of the current administration, and Mr. Trump has experienced it firsthand.
Mr. Trump’s leadership has been exemplary however, as I judge him by his success and not failures, his triumphs and tenacity over tragedies. As I studied his leadership capabilities, I kept finding biblical tendencies once again lending credence to the fact that only is he a Christian, but the principles that were ingrained in him as a child, have carried him into success. Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” That is the reason why I believe he is so good for America.
Mr. Trump is an embodiment of that. Chivalry is nearly dead, and the popular notions of manhood, particularly in Christianity are somehow skewed. I know of a lot of men in ministry whose wives abuse them, rule them, and think it is their job to crucify their husbands as Christ was crucified. Let me assure you, no woman is ever going to treat my son in that fashion: Men! Jesus died on that cross, so you don’t have to. Let’s not forget that when Jesus Christ sent his disciples out the second time, he sent them out armed. Luke 22:35-37. “Then Jesus asked them, when I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything? “Nothing,” they answered. He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” The he speaks of what is reaching fulfillment, and in verse 38: “The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.” “That’s enough!” He replied.
It is interesting to note that Jesus Christ knew they would need to be ready for battle, and he wanted them to be prepared. See my blog on Trump the Warrior. Mr. Trump has been chastened for taking a stance against Muslim immigration due to the influx of terrorism. There have been thirteen (13) documented cases of terrorism against Americans since 9/11 attacks by Muslim terrorists of Saudi Arabian origins. Mr. Trump is also the only candidate to speak out against the beheading of Christians and the only one to take a stance protecting the rights of Christians. I believe that Jesus was the Son of God and He knew that one day soon, the “Religion of the Sword” hence the comment “That’s enough” in response to the disciples statement in verse Luke 22:38 “See, Lord, here are two swords.” See my page on Muslim Immigration and click on the sub tab “Islamic Symbols” on www.thetrumpenigma.com and you will see precisely truth in this statement, as two swords are often the symbols of most Islamic terrorist groups. I find it comforting that Mr. Trump is a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment as our constitutional right to bear arms, which confirms and reiterates his Christian faith and knowledge as well as the commands of Jesus Christ to have his disciples be ready for battle.
Mr. Trump attended military school in his adolescence and he credits it with making him tough. It helped make him a man, as it taught him discipline and how to channel his energy into his “call.” While the Social Media giants, and the politically correct Master Baiter Media paint feminized pictures of manhood, our sons ae joining ISIS to live out their Warrior natures, or stuck in front of their X-boxes and PS4’s and playing Video games such as Call of Study, Battlefield, Halo, and TitanFall not to mention Grand Theft Auto. Let’s face it, men like wargames, there was even a movie called WarGames. Real men are not perpetual takers, but perpetual Makers, and Mr. Trump wants to MAKE America Great Again.
Currently in our leadership, there is no one who is sincere. Nathanael in John 1:47 is someone about whom Jesus said “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!” In my opinion, it also describes Mr. Trump. As a leader, as a successful businessman, his life has been fodder of many publications and articles. As of late lies and accusations have also been leveled against him. One thing I have made note of about this man is that he is not a hypocrite. What you see is what you get, he tells it like it is. Yes, he is a sinner saved by grace as we all are, but his heart is pure towards America and he has taken on a cause greater than himself, because he loves America and the average American citizen. If Jesus took someone like Simon Peter who had an ambivalent, vacillating, impulsive, unsubmissive personality and shaped him into a rocklike leader and built his Church upon him, think how much more God can do with someone like Mr. Trump? Who is already a fairly solid person, and a great leader. There were some amazing things about Simon Peter that are necessary for leadership material. He was a very inquisitive chap. He asked a lot of questions as does Mr. Trump. Peter was not content being complacent, and he was a problem solver, as is Mr. Trump. Simon Peter had an insatiable curiosity, he wanted answers, and we all know that knowledge is power. Problem solvers make great leaders. See Mat. 15:15; Luke 12:41; Mat. 18:21; Mat.19:27; Mark 11:21; John 21:20-22. Another necessary characteristic for effective leadership is initiative. When a man is a leader, he will have drive, ambition and energy. Again Mr. Trump has all of those as well. Now we know that Peter not just asked questions, but often charged right into answering and doing. When Jesus asked his disciples who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am in Mat 16:13; while everyone else was reticent, Peter spoke up “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” He was bold and decisive, as is Mr. Trump. There were times when he had to step back, undo, retract and be rebuked, as do all leaders, but he always seized opportunities at precisely the right time and Mr. Trump often speaks of that in his book “The Art of the Deal.” He has also seized this opportunity to help his beloved nation which is in a crisis, we have become terminal and America has taken a Trip to the Cemetery. Lest there is intervention, we will not survive. See my blog America’s Trip to the Cemetery. Lastly, Peter cut off the head of head of Malchus the servant of the high priest in Mat 26:47; Mark 14:43; and Luke 22:47. Thus we see that he was carrying a sword as instructed by Jesus, when he was with him in the Garden of Gethsemane as the Roman Legions came to arrest Jesus. Jesus touched the man and healed him, (Luke 22:51), but told Peter in verse 52: “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” I believe that statement is clear of the implication of capital punishment as a divine law, and it was a part of the Levitical Laws in the Old Testament. Another thing to make note of is that Peter’s passion often overtook the obvious big-picture realities such as confronting the Roman Legions of soldiers that probably numbered in the hundreds. I don’t know about you, but I have observed Mr. Trump do exactly the same thing, he doesn’t give a damn about the corrupt politicians, the crooked liars, he is brash, and raw which makes for a great leader. Tis better to take a passionate man who has tenacity than to resurrect a corpse. Peter was a man of action as is Mr. Trump. Now the third element that makes for amazing leadership is involvement. Mr. Trump has exhibited that throughout is campaign, he is engaged, he is traveling, people are coming out in multitudes to see him, and listen to him voice his concerns about America’s dismal state. Millions across the country have taken sides with him and taken their own initiative to hold rallies, flash mobs, build sites supporting him, and write songs about America and his passion to make it a great country. I wrote one along with my producer called “Sound that Trump.” I have also spent months of research into building the site www.thetrumpenigma.com with no financing from a campaign or SuperPac, that’s how much I believe in this man. It has been said that a true leader will show people the way, he will walk in the storm, let himself even be humiliated, and he will not care because he is in it for a cause greater than himself. Yes leaders create “movements or clouds of dust around them.” Mr. Trump has created a movement and even jumped over barricades to go to his people and speak. Even when Black Lives Matter (Klan with a Tan funded by Hillary and George Soros), tried to stop him, he was not deterred. When there was a storm and Jesus went out to meet them, Peter jumped right out of the boat and walked on water with Jesus, he got seriously involved, until he realized he was walking on water. Even when risky, Peter did not abandon his Lord, as one day he would take over leading the Church. Mr. Trump has likewise been in tenuous situations, and been told to withdraw from the race, he manned up, took the beatings, owned up to his mistakes and kept persevering. He is a true leader and a man. Another key characteristic necessary for a successful leader is Trust. If a leader cannot be trusted, then they are not worthy of being in such a position, especially the Presidency.
Psalm 139: 23-24. Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.