© 2016 HadassahShabnamLal
Donald J. Trump the Republican who has defeated sixteen others in his quest to serve the American people and “Make America Great Again” is a man whose life is deeply rooted in Christianity (namely the Presbyterian arm of the Christian faith). As a 4th generation Christian from Pakistan and an American Patriot, I was compelled to create the website www.thetrumpenigma.com for a new perspective on Mr. Donald J. Trump. Truth be told, most intelligent Americans are tired of having their ears tickled with Master Baiter Media’s consistent habits of lying, cheating, deceiving and deleting right along with their lying, cheating, deceiving and deleting favored Democrat party candidate Hilliary Clinton. Trump on the other hand is brutally honest, which most Libtards find offensive and us smarter than the average idiot find refreshing. My father despised hypocrites with a passion, as do I. My Masters in Ministry Leadership from IWU made me uniquely qualified to create this website honoring Mr. Trump, I lend a different perspective on Mr. Trump as I am Woman, a Christian and an Immigrant.
I invite you to read the blogs on this site to gain a better understanding of this man. We are not looking for God Jr. but a man who is fearless, a true warrior, a conqueror, strong, and possesses depth, experience and backbone. Trump speaks truth. His leadership style is strong, and he is definitely not politically correct, but biblically correct in the manner he has conducted his life for the most part. In some ways he is quite ordinary, such as he loves McDonalds, loves ketchup on his fries, but in other ways, he is quite extraordinary. He has nearly fifty (50) years that’s a half a century of life experience. I’m not saying he has not made mistakes, in fact we all have. However, I do not believe that he would ever jeopardize America’s interest for the sake of money and favors.
I outline his leadership traits a bit as I discussed them in my blog “Leadership and Trump.” He has been called “a friend of our Ministry” and a “good man” by Joel Olsteen. He was raised in church while growing up, and conservative values were a part of his upbringing. Seriously, I believe that God has blessed this man with tenacity, wisdom, and favor. His parents never drank, nor took drugs, and neither does Trump. Now he has fallen for some beautiful women, but every man loves beauty, and if they say they don’t then they’re a liar as well. Frederick Christ Trump the son of Elizabeth Christ and Friedrich Trump along with his wife Mary Ann MacLeod had son Donald on June 14, 1946. The history behind his name biblically is truly and interesting one. I invite my readers to check out my blog “Trump’s Faith and Patriotism Part 1” on www.thetrumpenigma.com site.
As Americans it’s important that we understand America is a Christian nation that had its foundational heritage based upon the Jude-Christian principles of the Bible. Unfortunately one would not know that considering the manner in which Christianity is being attacked. On the other hand, Mr. Trump is an astute student of the Bible and has actually a collection of Bibles. He also keeps one on his nightstand from my understanding. He has reiterated in many interviews that he loves God, is a regular churchgoer, and was recently baptized in the faith. His support amongst evangelicals is unwavering. He has many Black Pastors that stand united with him against the Socialist Communistic Agenda. Thus we need to play close attention and vote for him in this election. The current President sitting in our White House is the most biblically hostile President in the history of our country. Under God ordained authority the purpose of government is to maintain civil order, execute justice and to restrain. What are we to do when secular authorities conflict with God’s laws and pressure God’s people to disobey Him? Simple, “Acts 5:29 “We ought to obey God rather than men.” When leaders esp. secular ones fail their people and refuse to restrain evil responsibly (Romans 13:4, then they jeopardize and imperil the future of the very nation/people they were elected to serve. America has taken a way trip to the Cemetery (see my blog on America’s Trip to the Cemetery). There is a war that has been waged on God and Christianity right under our noses. Crosses are being forcefully removed; Prayer was removed in the 1960’s; Merry Christmas is no longer uttered but rather that “Happy Holidays” crap. Mr. Trump knows American history, and its Judeo-Christian roots. The current government does not. I say “A Nation only becomes Hopeless when it becomes Godless.” America has lost its greatness and Donald J. Trump understands that all too well. Thus the phrase “Make America Great Again” reverberates through America’s heartland and the Christians and Patriots alike because many of us do remember when America was a great country at one time. The revisionist atheistic ideology that has transformed our landscape is not the reason why my daddy as a Christian from Pakistan immigrated with his young family to America. The future of America is at stake, does anyone except a few realize that? We cannot reject God and his principles without dire consequences. I find it interesting that the Children of Israel wondered in the desert for forty (40) years until they entered the promise land. Many of them died in the desert. It’s a bit ironic that a bit over forty (40) years after the removal of prayer and the Ten Commandments, the attacks of 9/11 happened. Perhaps it was a wake-up call for us. Interestingly and stupidly, Americans also elected an inexperienced man to our White House. He had strong Muslim ties, somehow managed to squelch all sorts of crooked dealings, and inappropriate fundraising via the internet to be elected as President. Under his watch or lack thereof, America has descended into a Trip to the Cemetery. It would seem we are awakening from that slumber, or are we? It’s imperative that we elect Mr. Trump in order to place America back on track.
Many want to see his opponent win as her ideals are Socialist. Mr. Trump on the other hand is a Capitalist. Again I repeat, it is due to Mr. Trumps huge knowledge base of Western Civilization, and the foundational history of Europe and our country that his viewpoints are Christian as is his faith.
I have made it a point to study capitalism and its roots and effects. I’m an entrepreneur and I read a lot. I have found in my studies that one of the greatest underlying causes of Capitalism and its success are due largely in part to Christianity’s principles and reason. Christianity has embraced reason and logic as the primary guide to religious truth. Since Christianity is the only religion oriented to the future, Christian doctrines are the only religious doctrines that can be modified in the name of progress while still allow for its truths to be upheld. Europe’s success is based largely upon the Christian faith as is America’s. Freedom is necessary for Capitalism to develop and succeed. We have observed time and again, the dismal results of Socialism and its failures upon untold societies. Christianity, freedom, and capitalism have played crucial roles in the success of Western Civilizations. Wherever the Europeans went, they took their ideologies with them. This has resulted in many attempts being made by other nations towards capitalism and democracy, but sadly they continue to hold on religious or social ideologies that are incompatible with the roots of freedom and democracy, and that being the Christian Faith.
In fact, the elimination of slavery paved the way for capitalism. The religion of the cross (Christianity) is the only triumphant in that area. We know from Scripture that the story of Onesimus in Philemon 1:16 to be not treated as a slave but as a brother. Many men historically gave their lives to end slavery including over 600,000 White Men in the Civil War. Lincoln was assassinated for abolishing slavery.
Our modern lifestyles and societies require capitalism and freedom. How else would Social Media Networks be so rich and popular? However, they are building algorithms to control mankind, and mankind will rebel. Let’s face it, if God Almighty the creator of the universe couldn’t control mankind, what makes his creation think they can control other human beings? Or societies?
You will be interested to know that underneath all the Communist rhetoric, both Russia and China are realizing the error of their Socialist and Communistic societies and are seeking to build Capitalist economies. Another reason to vote for Mr. Trump is the fact that Christianity is still the largest spreading religion in the world. It is becoming more globalized than democracy, capitalism or modernity for that matter. There is a Christian Revolution going on in South American Latin nations, and Africa and the Su-Saharan deserts. However, they may soon be overtaken or dwarfed by the Chinese. For years, there was a misperception that there were only “rice” Christians in China. It is estimated that there may be as many as 100 million Christians in China today, and many are underground, and amongst the best-educated modern Chinese citizens. Again, the State religion in China is a dismal failure, wherever there is persecution, the Gospel is propagated. A Chinese scholar had this to say about the West. He studied Western Civilization and concluded that America and the West was not successful because it has powerful guns or nukes, or the best political system, or the economic culture. He concluded that the heart of our culture is our religion. Christianity. The West along with America has been so powerful because of Christianity. The Christian moral foundation of social and cultural life is what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then the successful transition to democratic politics, not the other way around.
Now the Arab nations have so much money, but why is there so much dissent in the Middle East in spite of Crude Oil and riches? They have no peace and are the most quarrelsome regions in the entire world. In spite of the fact that crude oil has become the basis of the world's first trillion-dollar industry; it also is the largest item in the balance of payments and exchanges between nations. And it employs most of the world's commercial shipping tonnage. OPEC NATIONS have a total population of about 585 million and for nearly all of them Crude Oil is the main marketable commodity and foreign exchange earner. Thus, for these countries, oil is the vital key to development – economic, social and political. On another interesting note an organization called (Organization of the Islamic Conference) supports efforts to look for legal strategies to fight back against the alleged “defamation” of Islam. Translation: lawsuits around the world funded by petrodollars (“Crude Oil” dollars). The council which funds these types of lawsuits is headed up by mostly Arab and African nations that are rich in oil. This is precisely what was done & engineered in order to discourage off-shore drilling of American Oil. Because of this disaster! many will be against the off-shore drilling of American Oil & we shall continue to be dependent Arab Oil.
You’re Fired It’s Biblical.
Luke 19:22-28 and Matthew 18:22 are great reference points about one not wisely utilized the God given talents one has and just burying them. The current administration was supposedly put in power by the people, or was it? I beg to differ. These so called leaders have been entrusted with our precious country and our freedoms, and they have blown it and decimated America. One of the reasons behind the popularity of the show The Apprentice is that it showcased Mr. Trump’s bravado yet human side and for what he is; a strong leader, not a follower, one who sets boundaries and yes a father. America is like an orphan right now, very broken and neglected in desperate need of boundaries, challenges and execution of economic challenges to “Make America Great Again.” I along with millions of Americans would like nothing better than President Trump to say to his predecessor: “You’re Fired.”