© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
Excerpted from The New Frontier by Khalil Gibran
We Trump supporters are not just “Working Class Old White Males”
I feel compelled to write this as I love America and it is the least I can do for my country the United States of America. To quote Khalil Gibran (A Lebanese Artist and Poet) from his work (The Frontier) no it was not Kennedy (who stole and plagiarized this quote).
“Are you a politician asking what your country can do for you or a zealous one asking what you can do for your country?” Mr. Trump is a zealous man who is on fire for his country because he has seen America become Crippled and the butt of jokes worldwide. I dedicate this to you the American Citizens who actually get Trump. I concur with Mr. Gibran. Except now, the following is applicable to America, as it is fast becoming the new Middle East. Gibran goes on to say.
Two Masters of the Middle East (Now America as of 3/3/2016)
One is deciding, ordering, being obeyed; but he is at the point of death
(This totally describes the current administration that is circumventing our Laws and our Rights granted to us by our Constitution of which 34% is referenced in the Bible). Obama studied our Constitution so that he could chip away at it, more importantly his hero is Saul Alinsky a Communist Community Organizer.
But, the other one is silent in his conformity to law and order, calmly awaiting justice; he is a powerful giant who knows his own strength, confident in his existence and a believer in his destiny.
I believe that the powerful giant is Mr. Donald J. Trump who represents the American Voter (at least the ones who have eyes to see and ears to hear) and have even an ounce of horse sense against this administration comprised of people who are represented by logo depicting a JackAss (Donkey). No proof needed there to say the least.
There are today, in the Middle East (Now America), two men: on of the past and one of the future. Which one you? Come close; let me look at you and let me be assured by your appearance and conduct if you are one of those coming into the light or going into the darkness. Come and tell me who and what are you.
“Are you a politician asking what your country can do for you or a zealous one asking what you can do for your country?
If you are the first, then you are a parasite; (This describes Obama and his current administration that have decimated America economically, religiously, caused and fed the fires of disunity and hatred which began with how he won the election in 2008, not to mention that it was bought and paid for (Price? 668 Million dollars, much of it was raised through the internet with foreign currencies as the totals were not whole dollars, but rather odd dollar and cents amounts. See NewsMax issue of December 2008. Obama has also made every attempt to chip away at our 2nd Amendment rights as he studied Constitutional Law as to subvert the American people, all the while utilizing the race card which stinks like rotten cheese now.
If you are the second, then you are an oasis in the desert.
This describes Mr. Trump, as he is refreshingly honest, pulls no punches and keeps things real, he is not a politician nor a lawyer, thank God.
Are you a merchant utilizing the need of society for the necessities of life, for monopoly?
And exorbitant profit?
The above describes Obama and Hillary Clinton; Obama has spent millions of American taxpayer dollars to fund his lavish vacations, sold America and Israel to Iran our archenemy, and his trade agreements are nothing short of evil upon the American citizen. While Americans struggle, 100 billion is doled out to Iran. Clinton has lined her pockets under the guise of her foundation which has funneled money to America’s enemies including the Muslim Brotherhood; was responsible for the murders of our Ambassador (Chris Stevens) along with three of our men (whose families she insulted), had a private email server, and continues to lie to the American people. She is only concerned about making history by being the wife of a former Playboy President to be elected to President, a husband who couldn’t even keep his hands off a young girl during his tenure as a President, making America the laughing stock of the world not to mention his numerous other dalliances. This woman Hillary Clinton is under investigation by the FBI and running for President of the United States. How pathetic does it have to get.
If you are the first, then you are a criminal whether you live in a palace or a prison. (Again, this describes Obama and the Clinton’s as well). The actions taken by his administration and Clinton are nothing short of Criminal.
Or a sincere, hard-working and diligent man facilitating the exchange between the weaver and the farmer? Are you charging a reasonable profit as a middleman between supply and demand?
The above describes Mr. Trump quite accurately as he has taken distressed buildings, and other business opportunities, turned them around where the sellers profited, and he profited as well, he knows how to fix things and make a profit.
If you are the second, then you are a charitable man whether you are thanked or denounced by the people. (This again describes Mr. Trump, as there are countless stories of his generosity and kindness yet, people also continue to deride and dog him).
Are you a religious leader, weaving for your body a gown out of the ignorance of the people, fashioning a crown out of the simplicity of their hearts and pretending to hate the devil merely to live upon his income. (This describes the Pope as well as Max Lucado who recently wrote a scathing self-righteous piece questioning the “decency of Mr. Trump who I believe is a man for the people). See my blog on Lucado the Pharisee. Oh and Mr. Lucado has amassed $10 million in his fortune with his books, he’s a hypocrite.
If you are the first, then you are a heretic, a disbeliever in God even if you fast by day and pray by night.
Or are you a devout and a pious man who sees in the piety of the individual the foundation for a progressive nation, and who can see through a profound search in the depth of his soul a ladder to the eternal soul that directs the world?
The preceding describes Mr. Trump as in he is devoted to the American people, the cause of the nation’s Working Class, as well as the Middle Class (the average guy), and wants to see them prosper and help the nation become prosperous. In fact, he is quite comfortable, he does not need the money nor the risk to himself or his family. I believe after reading his books, that the man Donald J. Trump truly loves America, the American way of life, and he can help us recover as a nation that has been decimated since the 9/11 attacks, and ever since 2008, has slowly take a descent into the Cemetery, see my blog “America’s Trip to the Cemetery.” Hundred’s of Millions of dollars are being spent to derail and deride him by his enemies.
If you are second, then you are a violet in the garden of truth even though its fragrance is lost upon the nostrils of humanity or whether its aroma rises into that rare air where the fragrance of flowers is preserved.
Are you a newspaperman who sells his idea and his principle in the slave market, who lives on the misery of people like a buzzard, which descends upon a decaying carcass?
The above accurately describes the Liberal Media and the Alphabet Soup Media sources as well. They are hell bent on destroying Mr. Trump, digging up every bit of dirt, even made up dirt and are who absolutely are experts at spinning stories, lying, cheating and deceiving the American people with selective spinning of stories.
If you are the first, then you are a sore and an ulcer.
Or are a teacher on the platform of the city gathering experience from life and presenting it to the people as sermons you have learned?
The above again describes Mr. Trump as he actually has written books sharing his life experiences, and businesses savvy. It was precisely why he was tapped to be in Celebrity Apprentice, which has been one of NBC’s biggest hit shows and a huge moneymaker for eleven seasons. The Apprentice was usually the #1 show in the 10:00 pm slot. Mr. Trump also appears to value and enjoy watching others succeed which tells me he is not as selfish as the Media portray him to be.
If you are the second, then you are a balsam and medicine.
Are you a governor who denigrates himself before those who appoint him and denigrates those whom he is to govern, who never raises a hand unless it is to reach into pockets and who does not take a stop unless it is for greed?
The above describes Obama who cares not at all about Americans, nor their rights. He has made 501c3 religious organizations the target of IRS probes and abuses and now forcing them to house Syrian terrorists posing as refugees. He has, made plans to target social security, spent millions of American taxpayer dollars on lavish vacations. In addition, he has given Iran (Israel and America’s arch enemy) 100 billion dollars. He has also diverted money from healthcare for America’s Veteran’s and put it towards incoming Syrian refugees who are here to murder and maim America’s citizens and rape their women.
If you are the first, then you are as a tare in the threshing floor of the nations;
Or are you the faithful servant who serves only the welfare of the people?
The above again describes Mr. Trump as he has funded his own campaign, does not need American taxpayer dollars, and has not done it at the expense of others. He has a heart for the American people, and genuinely cares.
If you are the second, then you are a blessing upon its granaries. That’s Mr. Trump.
Are you a searching writer full of self-admiration, keeping his head in the valley of a dusty past, where the ages discarded the remnant of its clothes and useless ideas?
The preceding describes Obama with his arrogantly written books talking of his two fathers, who really were not there, a mother of loose moral character, who really had no religion as she kept a BhagdaVita, a Koran, and a Bible on her mantelpiece a confused woman in more ways than one. His love for communist ideals and work as a Community Organizer has certainly revealed the fact that this is indeed a man of perdition hell bent on the destruction and decimation of America as well as its constitution. His hero is none less than Saul Alinsky.
If you are the first, then you are feeble and stupid.
Or are you a clear thinker examining what is good and useful for society and spending your life in building what is useful and destroying what is harmful?
The preceding describes Mr. Trump fully as he is totally patriotic in his stance about rebuilding a crippled, decimated America and he plans to do away with atrocities such as Obama Care.
If you are the second, then you are bread for the hungry and water for the thirsty.
Americans are sick and tired of being played, jobs being sent overseas, our economy is in a shambles, we need someone who understands fiscal sense and responsibility. We need someone who has literally put his money where his mouth is, and proven time and again, that he knows how to fix things.
Are you a poet, who plays the tambourine at the doors of emirs, or the one who throws the flowers during weddings and who walks in processions with a sponge full of warm water in his mouth, a sponge to be pressed by his tongue and lips as soon as he reaches the cemetery?
The above describes Obama in his deceptive utilization of “words dripping with honey” in his eloquence of speech, bending over to kiss Arab Muslim Ass, while doing nothing for our Troops nor their families. He has taken America on a trip to the Cemetery!
If you are the first, then you are a juggler who evokes in our soul that which is contrary to what you intend.
Or have you a gift which God has placed in your hands which to play heavenly melodies which draw our hearts toward the beautiful in life?
Again, I believe that Mr. Trump wants to see America great again; he wants to see this nation restored to its former glory of pre-9/11. The only way to do that, is going to require us to become resolute and tough again. Mr. Trump not only wants to see America become great again, but beautiful as well by repairing our Highways and Bridges and infrastructure that is centuries old. Who better than a man who knows how to build
If you are the second, then you are love in our hearts and a vision in our minds.
Mr. Trump is listening to the heart of the everyday American and he has a vision on how to restore America. He also knows the right team of people to assemble to accomplish any task that he has taken himself upon to do.
I conclude by paraphrasing Mr. Gibran’s final conclusion of The New Frontier.
America has as does the Middle East, a procession of old people walking with bent backs, supported with bent canes; they are out of breath though their path is downhill. The other is a procession of young men, running as if on winged feet, and jubilant as with musical strings in their throats, surmounting obstacles as if there were magnets drawing them up the mountainside and magic enchanting their hearts.
Where is America now? Will she be a slave to the system of the establishment? Or move forth with a dream of rebuilding what she has lost? Are we going to play a funeral dirge or celebrate a new birth? The old ones with their antiquated ideas don’t realize that their homes will indeed fall on their heads and become their very tombs. Their chains of restraint do not belong on the shoulders of their children, no absolutely not. That is precisely what Mr. Trump is attempting to stop. As Gibran goes on to say, the children of tomorrow are the ones called by life, and they follow it with steady steps and heads high. They may be few in number, but the difference is as between a grain of wheat and a stack of hay. No one knows them, but they know each other. I might add, the Mainstream Media may insult Mr. Trump by saying that only the working class male is voting for him, but I beg to differ with their “polls” and “opinions” because we are like the summits, which can see and hear each other-unlike caves, which cannot see nor hear. I believe that we indeed like the seed dropped by the hand of God in the filed, breaking through its pod and waving its sapling leaves before the face of the sun. It shall grow into a mighty tree, its root in the heart of the earth and its branches high in the sky to show the world that America is no longer Crippled but made Great Again. Thank you the late great Mr. Gibran for your many gifts to our broken world and our Crippled America.