© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
A Pakistani Christian Response to:
Humans of New York’s Brandon Stanton on:
Letter to Donald Trump by Michael Walsh
As a Pakistani American Christian who vehemently supports Mr. Trump, I am appalled at your liberal narrow-minded statements about Mr. Trump.
Who paid you and how much to denigrate Mr. Trump and make demoralizing self-righteous statements about him. You state to Katie Couric that it is no longer a political issue but a moral one.
I have news for you, it is indeed a political issue otherwise you would not have said anything. How dare you accuse Mr. Trump of racism? There are numerous Blacks, Hispanics, as well as religious affiliates of humanity such as Muslims, Evangelicals, Catholics, and Sikhs as well as Hindus that stand with Mr. Trump and support him.
For your information, Muslim is not a race but a religion. Jimmy Carter ordered all Iranian Muslims from coming to America during the hostage crises, but he was not called a Racist, although he is a Rabid Anti-Semite.
No Mr. Trump does not condone violence, but only if it is necessary to protect his supporters and his life. Black Lives Matter is the equivalent of a Tan with a Klan group. They utilize the same tactics only worse, they can be likened to the Black Panthers. Mr. Trump has succeeded in uniting America and the races something, which President Obama has failed miserably. In fact Obama has done everything to stoke the first of hatred and division between race and religion in America. On the other hand, Mr. Trump has received the endorsements of several prominent Men of African American descent, not to mention two of them are Pastors.
How foolish are you stating a lie that Mr. Trump is inflaming violence and prejudice in America? You were 18 years old when 9/11 happened in New York. In case you did not know, Muslims who were of Saudi origin carried out the attacks upon unsuspecting trusting Civilians on the ground using American Airplanes that were used as Jet fuel laden missiles. I do not know what stupid Liberal Ivory Tower you reside in, or where you get your news, but according to Pew Research most Gen Xers like you and Millennial generation get their News from FB, which appears to be a huge moneymaking platform for you personally. Moreover, accusing him of prejudice? How about prejudice against Christians and Jews which is at an all time high, as Obama whom you met at the White House is the most biblically hostile President in the history of the United States. That information is available at Wallbuilders.
According to Michael Walsh, you “Stanton criticized Trump for generalizing about the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims based on the most radical and violent people of that faith.
Your Words: “That is racist and that is dangerous. That is what he’s doing over and over again. “
I have news for you in the event you did not know, Muslim is not a race but a religious ideology bent on the oppression of women, and children and infidels like you and me. Just because your ass was not shot and killed when you went to my home country of Pakistan, does not mean it will not happen the next time. In case you have missed looking in the mirror lately, you are a White American Male hated by most Muslims of the world. There is constantly a price on your head for just being one (an American male), especially in Pakistan. Did you miss the news about the Christian couple (the wife was pregnant) who were murdered by being thrown in a brick kiln? Oh yes, you actually raised money for a similar cause, but did you every stick your neck out to defend Christians over there? No, you are too busy kissing Obama’s ass, which is why you wrote your stupid little letter with no substance but a lot of hot air and key weasel terms to deceive the masses against Mr. Donald J. Trump.
Your interview stated that you read biographies about dictators and you are interested in how they rose to power. And then you went on to compare Mr. Trump to Hitler. How dare you! He has a daughter who has converted to Judaism, and a son-in-law as well as grandchildren. Have you seen how Obama and Killary (Hillary) are oppressive of the Christians? While welcoming, aiding, and abetting Syrian Male Muslim refugees who are the scum of Syria. These indigents are not even wanted by their own countries and we have to support them? Many are also finding their way to America through the open border with Mexico. I personally know of an instance in which false papers were presented as being from Ecuador when in actuality the person was of Middle Eastern origin. A local Christian Mission is being forced to house refugees who laughed at the movie The Passion when the scene of Jesus being lashed and crucified was shown. They are demanding separate facilities to pray 5x a day their Muslim prayers, inside a Christian non-profit at the expense of the very institution whose key Bible verse is John 3:16 (the hallmark verse of the Christian faith). What in the hell do you call that? I call it prejudice and unfair treatment. Don’t you dare compare him to Hitler. He will defend the rights and cause of the Christians and give us a voice, whereas Obama is doing everything he can to silence Christians and have their organizations investigated by the IRS, did you not see that on the News? What planet do you live on? But then again, if reading mere biographies of former dictators is the extent of your education, then I pity you. Let me bring you up to speed.
As a Pakistani Christian American, LibTard people like you make me sick, and I find the likes of you to be appalling and ignorant to say the least. I am highly educated (I have a Masters in Ministry Leadership as well as a BSM) from a prestigious Christian University. My father immigrated to America from Pakistan, as he did not want to immigrate to the UK. Upon his visit there, he made note of the huge Muslim presence there when he was contemplating leaving Pakistan. He wanted to give his young Christian family opportunities that would be denied them, simply because of their religion, yes we were considered Kafir (I’m sure you have heard that term a time or two in this post 9/11 era, especially in the beheading of Christians by Muslims (their ideology of hatred is first and religion is second). My father was an educated man who taught Americans English, and was a history professor as well.
Let us get one thing straight here; it was not Mr. Trump’s people at the rally who started the violence in Chicago but the Klan with a Tan (Black Lives Matter) along with Muslim protesters as well. He is not a racist, he is an American Patriot. His right to free speech along with his supporters was clearly infringed upon. Moreover, Trump is a Human being with a beautiful family, his children are well- adjusted working adults and he has built an empire where he does not need the money of political whoremongers. He is willing to forsake it all because he loves America. He has witnessed America when she was in her glory days when America was respected, strong, unified and yes America the beautiful was our anthem.
On the other hand, your mere accomplishments are all Social Media based on FB and Instagram, entailing photography and a book. While it is good, you have taken a passion and turned it into “Social Feel Good” causes, which is something your generation relishes in, you, appear to have a problem with seeing someone who is a strong male and Patriotic. Did you have daddy problems when growing up? Was your father even around? Is that why you gravitate to Obama? In addition, you are wrapped up with the United Nations; clearly one of the most racist organizations against the Jewish people and the nation of Israel on the planet. You appear to idolize those who are mere Community organizers that find ways to obtain and use Federal Taxpayer dollars to fund Social Causes. In fact, that (Social Causes) seems to be one of your biggest baits for raising funds. Obama had virtually no wealth until he became President of the United States by buying the White House for 668 Million dollars whereas much of his donations were clearly internet based and sadly, the investigations into that fraud were never completed. Mr. Trump has worked his ass off and become a Billionaire due to a strong work ethic and backbone. He also raises money for Charitable Causes and funds many as well including his campaign for President. What has he personally done to you as a white man considering your disdain and hatred of him? Did he take your money? For all intense purposes, you seem to have quite a bit of hate for yourself and your race, reverse racism? Shame on you as I happen to love White People since my eternal destiny is sealed with God because a White American went to my family’s village and brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to my people. My great grandfather was a Presbyterian Minister.
Oh and my 86 Page Masters Dissertation was on the stark differences between Islam and Christianity. The Founder of Islam Mohammed fought in 66 wars, was married 18x and his youngest wife was 6 when he married her, 9 when he raped her. He was Marauding Warlord and a Thief. That is the prophet of Islam, which you are defending in all your rhetoric. Go get an education and study the forefathers of America, and try reading a book instead of using the internet as your only source, as most of you Gen-Xers do.
On the other hand, the founder of Christianity, which was Yeshua/aka Jesus, was the Son of God who never fought in any wars, yet defeated the greatest enemy of mankind (death upon a cross) as he resurrected after the 3rd day. He was never married, he loved children, he was the Prince of Peace, and he never stole from anyone. Go tell that on your Humans for New York site. I am proud to be a Christian, an American Patriot along with being supporter of Mr. Trump for President. On the other hand, Obama has decimated America’s economy, as “Hope Came and Went, no Change except for the Worst has happened” whereas Mr. Trump is an American Patriot, a courageous warrior who is a human, and millions of us real Americans rally beside him and support him in his bid to be the next President of the United States of America. We see the façade behind the Liberal agenda of Obama and Hillary Clinton who along with her husband Bill have not mere skeletons in their closet, but a cemetery of people dead in their path including the death by torture and sodomy of our Ambassador (Chris Stevens, along with of our best of the best men in or Armed Forces). Oh and let me assure you, these are the real dictators and Hitlers’s and Stalin’s you need to be worried about, because you would never succeed in your Social Media Platforms under such auspices of these people for very long. Capitalism works because of the Judeo-Christian heritage of America. Islam and Muslims had nothing to do with it. Shame on you.
A very Concerned Pakistani Christian American