It seems that abuse is quite rampant in the Church. Today, I spent nearly an hour listening to a kind and gentle, person telling me their story of abuse. It seems that this person was married to someone over 22 years. They even had a daughter who is in college. Sadly, this person's wife used to even give him a "bloody lip" and he was stupid enough to think that it was a joke and his wife was just playing around.
The warning signs were there. This person was even told by their future in law five min before the wedding ceremony that the prospective spouse and “ANGER” issues; ha imagine that. The spouse of this person, would constantly criticize this person and put them down, curse them, and call them names. In fact their spouse was in “ministry and radio ministry at that, and still is.” What a joke, seriously. When this person finally had the guts enough to leave, they were ridiculed and made fun of, and even scoffed at all the while the Bible verse “God hates divorce” was mercilessly used against them.” Their daughter was angry and blames them, as she had no idea there were threats, physical violence, and sexual abuse going on. Oh and just in case you don’t know, the victim in this case was a “MAN.” Yes, it is more humiliating for them, because there is an increased amount of shame when male abuse occurs. I am an advocate for abuse victims, regardless of gender. Oh and one more thing, I HATE ABUSE, I HATE ABUSERS AND FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT GOD HAS A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL RESERVED JUST FOR ABUSERS. DEATH AND DESTRUCTIONS UPON ALL ABUSERS, AND I SAY THIS WITH THE KINDEST OF INTENT. I AM NOT GOD JR. THANK YOU.