© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
As a fourth generation Christian from Pakistan, I place my support behind Mr. Donald Trump. I believe that he differs from the other Republican candidates because he does not need to have any money from the “establishment” thus he cannot be bought. In following with the founders of our Nation under God, Mr. Trump is a Patriot and his heart is in the right place, that is precisely why he has garnered so much support. The fact that he chose to raise 6 million dollars for the Wounded Veterans of America rather than appear at the circus parade of Fox’s Republican Presidential Debate even lends more credence as to why he is “anti-establishment, and pro America.”
The state of America currently as of January 2016 coupled with the post 9/11 era is dismal to say the least. We have a President who has done more to damage and bankrupt America’s economy, social status amongst its enemies and allies alike, and kick the middle class to the curb. Not to mention shoving his liberal agenda from gays to Muslims in our faces like mad floodwaters, undermining everything that we as Americans hold sacred and sure. Yes as a nation, we are in a crisis, and we need a change that differs from where we have been. We need a change such as that of the era of Reaganomics when the Berlin Wall came down, when the American hostages long held in Iran were released when taken captive under a weak and spineless democrat named Jimmy Carter. The following excerpt succinctly summarizes the echo of conservative Americans. It appears that evil and its face does not change with time, as the following was given by Dr. Peter Marshall who served as a Chaplain to the United States Senate from (1947-1949). Thank You Dr. Marshal for your valuable service to our One Nation Under God. The following excerpt applies as much to America today (February 2, 2016 as it did on 11/9/1947 when it was given. I urge anyone who loves America to share it, please and thank you. #HadassahShabnamLal www.hadassahshabnamlal.com
The Wartime Sermons by Dr. Peter Marshall
Our Covenant Nation (An Excerpt)
November 9, 1947
Shared by Hadassah Shabnam Lal (February 2, 2016)
The forces of evil are organized on a world scale.
They fight against God, against religion, against peace
They seek to promote confusion, to sow suspicion, and to set man against man.
All who believe in God, who love America, who cherish our heritage, who seek peace, who are sick of war, and who long for goodness, must fight for these things- and they are worth fighting for.
In this battel, Catholic and Protestant can stand together.
We have the secret weapon of prayer-more powerful than the atomic bomb.
God is still upon His throne. He has not abdicated.
His Kingdom yet will come upon the earth.
Truth and righteousness will ultimately triumph, and the sacrifices of those who have fallen, the blood of martyrs, the prayers of the faithful, and the tears of the saints will yet be vindicated.
But, we must fight for these things and be willing to agonize for them…
Fighting the battle in our own hearts and should
Seeking God’s help to overcome our temptations and be good and do good.
For the sake of peace, for the sake of America, for our own sake, for God’s sake.
This war is the war that is not yet over. We are in it.
God help us…to win this one too…that we not lose the other one.