MY Jewish Messiah by Shabnam Hadassah Lal from Jewish NT by David Stern
- He is still alive as a Jewish Messiah.
- Central figure in NT is Yeshua a Jew born to Jews in Beit-Lechem.
- Grew up amongst Jews in Natzeret.
- Ministered to Jews in Galil.
- Died & rose from the grave in Jewish capital, Yerushalayim in Eretz-Yisrael the Land that God/Yaweh gave the Jewish people.
- There are at least 52 Tanakh/OT prophecies all of them centuries older than the NT events are fulfilled in the person of Yeshua.
- He was born, lived and died and was resurrected from the dead and is now at the right hand of God,
- He will come a second time to rule as the King of Yisrael and bring peace to the world.
- He is called both the Son of Man and Son of God. He is fully and ideally human, sinless, “A Lamb without blemish.” about him is hinted in the Tanakh means that “in Him, bodily, lives the fullness of all that God is;
- He alone is uniquely qualified to express God’s love for humanity.
- His closest followers later emissaries were all Jews.
- Jews brought the Gospel to the non-Jews Goyin/Gentiles.
- Main issue in early Messianic church was whether a Gentile could become a Christian w/out converting to Judaism.
- Messiah’s vicarious atonement is rooted in Jewish sacrificial system.
- Lord’s Supper is rooted in the Jewish Passover.
- Immersion/Mikva/Baptism is a Jewish Practice.
- Yeshua said, “Salvation is from the Jews”
- The New Covenant was promised by a Jewish prophet Jeremiah.
- Very Concept of Messiah is exclusively a Jewish Concept.
- The New Testament Completes the Tanakh.
- Much of the New Testament is incomprehensible apart from its Jewish context.
- Sha’ul/Paul was chief emissary to Gentiles, a lifelong observant Jew.