Hadassah Shabnam Lal © 2014
So many people out there have lives that are full but not fulfilled. Are you stuck in a pattern? You know that boring, non motivational pattern called life? You life is not standing still, but rather raging with activity (work, lunches, running the kids here and there, boring same old same old, predictable). It’s like an airplane stuck in a holding pattern because it cannot land at the airport to refuel. You are caught up with worldly stuff, and getting that next big raise, that next big break, that next big house. You are restless but you just can’t place your finger on it.
Your life right now is stuck on “cruise control” but it’s going nowhere real fast. Your life is staked out. You got your little church you go to every Sunday and sit in the same spot, listen to the same boring worship songs, same slanted messages from a preacher who likes to hear himself more than you like to hear him talk. Your career path (be it the same boring job) is all laid out, and you’ve been in that horrid marriage or a lackluster one, because you don’t have the guts to get out, and do what God designed and created you to do, you just can’t handle the change because you are lazy and you have partially died already. Am I preaching to anyone here.
Let me tell you something. When God created you, He placed that “spark” of life called the “Yud” from the moment you were conceived. That “Yud” represents eternity in the Hebrew. You are made in His image, as an eternal being. He placed his eternity in you. You see, your home, your marriage, your bank account, that big old church building, your love of sports, is all un-eternal. None of it will last forever. YHWH created you for eternity that lasts forever. That is why you are so un-fulfilled. Your life may be full, but it is unfulfilled. You were created to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy for those who come after you.
Almighty God, King of the Universe called you by Name, for a destiny greater than you can imagine. And guess what? He might have to turn your world upside down, just to get you there. Somewhere deep within your soul, deep in your heart, you long for something greater, and that’s the fire of eternity in your heart. In fact, medically your heart is the first major organ to develop after conception. You were called to make a difference in the life of somebody, or perhaps even a generation or a particular people for such a time as this (Est. 4:14). God is not a respecter of persons, He just wants you to fulfill your destiny. Be courageous like Yeshua/aka Jesus, who fulfilled His destiny all the way to the cross and in the process was pierced (John. 19:34) in His Heart for you and for me. Believe me, you don’t want to end up like Jonah in Whale University in the belly of a stinky whale (in this case your boring, complacent, cowardly existence). Be brave and get out there, and make an eternal difference. Be still and know that He is God (Isa. 46:10); if you want to stay in that holding-pattern like a plane circling an airport, or lead a life stuck on cruise control, then don’t complain about what you permit because your life will remain simply FULL but not FULL-FILLED.