© 2016 HadassahShabnamLal
Donald J. Trump is an ex-husband, but not an ex-father (HadassahShabnamLal)
“The quality of the father will affect the quality of all the generations that follow. As goes the father, so goes the next several generations.” Henry Blackaby [Decision Magazine June 2014].
“One of the greatest t gifts parents can give their children is the gift of mutual love and respect for one another.” Shirley Alexander [Power Magazine 2003].
“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons… (2 Corinthians 6:18) NIV the Holy Bible).
“The Kingdom of heaven is an insightful picture of the masculine journey.” John Eldredge in “Fathered by God “Learning what your Dad could never teach you.”
What do you think of when you hear the word “Father or Dad?” Is he an imposing authoritarian figure? Is an aloof drunk? Or do you think of a man who wiped your tears? Or simply said “suck it up and be a man?” Was he warm? Was he there? Or absent?
The God-given job of every father biblically is to pray, protect and provide for his family, although it is often not done in that order. Unfortunately, America has a huge fatherless problem and pathetic leadership. An experienced President who has lived life, is seasoned, is imperatively needed at this crucial time in our history.
Irrespective of our skin colors, we all have the same Father and that is God Abba, and when we bleed, we all bleed red. Currently, America is terminal and bleeding and in desperate need of a Father. Mr. Trump recognizes that America needs him. He has studied the foundational history of America and its fore-fathers and knows exactly what worked, and what failed. Currently, America is failing and we have the most Anti-American and the most biblically hostile in the history of the United States of America in our White House. It is absurd considering we are a Christian nation in which 78% of American Republicans claim to be Christians, and 69% of Democrats as well. Those percentages also state that they believe that the Scripture is totally accurate in all of its teachings. These were stats taken by The Barna group in 2006. I might add that Mr. Trump is a Christian. He collects Bibles and his favorite all time book is the Bible. In keeping with the tradition of America, I would like to see Mr. Donald J. Trump elected to our White House as President of the United States of America considering most of America’s Presidents have been Christians.
In Hebrew the word AB is spelled with the letters Aleph and Beyt. Aleph which means OX an image of an OX head which represents Strength. The word Beyt which means “Tent” or “Home” its image is the floor plan, or foundation of a tent or home. Altogether, combined it means “The Strength of the Home” The ancient Jews knew as did the forefathers of America that the role of the Father is to be the “Strong Foundation” of the Family. We need a Father as a nation who loves and cares and Protects his Country, a Patriot. Patriotism means “Love of Country” and it comes from the Latin word “Pater” meaning Father.
A Father is someone who loves you and protects you and nourishes you and makes you who you are. Interestingly, the word “Father” occurs 979 in the KJV of the Bible. Conversely the term “Mother” occurs only 260 times in the Bible. Thus according to my perception, fathers are necessary to the growth and foundations of societies as well as civilizations. The role of men and the war on men (See my blog America’s War on Men) has served to emasculate and diminish their importance contrary to the Word of God. Strangely the term “Fathered” occurs only once in Deu 32:18 “You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; forgot the God who gave you birth.” It is my express belief that the preceding verse is a stark reminder to many of us that we have forgotten our God, YHWH the Holy One of Israel, El-Shaddai, Elohim, YHWH Jireh. (Link of my video on God). It is my implicit belief that male and female are all One in Him. God spent many years preparing leaders and fathers of nations. Abraham was called at the age of 75, but was one hundred years old, when his call finally came to fruition (See. Gen. 21:5). Thereafter he lived another 75 years (see. Gen. 25:7. Moses was another leader who was given the law and rescued the children of Israel from an oppressive wicked Pharaoh. Oh but not before being the Warrior and rescuer and the ten plagues upon the enemies of God’s chosen.
God rarely calls the qualified, but he does qualify his called. He knows that Mr. Trump needs a strong man spiritually to be his friend and running mate, so he has brought him Governor. Mike Pence of Indiana. Gov. Pence is from my hometown and I am so very proud of this amazing Man of God. My sister and her husband have held fundraisers for him in their home, and Robert Croddy one of my friends in our Grassroots Team for Mr. Trump knows him personally. Currently, America is like an orphan with no credible leadership in place, but corrupt greedy politicians who can only be likened to the wicked Pharaohs who oppressed the children of Israel, and of course the Communist and Muslim regimes who are also guilty of doing the same to their people. Trump’s protective and fatherly attitude is what it’s going to take to Make America Great Again.
On a more personal note, I attribute a lot of what I am to my Dad and Mom, they each played a distinct role, but my Father was the one who led the route of Immigration to the United States with his young family. He did not bring us here so that we could be subject to the same persecution, death threats and endangerment as in Pakistan. That is why I believe that Mr. Donald Trump needs to be and deserves to be the Next President and Father of our Country. If the only thing that I knew about Donald J. Trump was that he’s a great dad, it would be enough for me to vote for him on that basis alone. But he’s more than that, he’s a Patriot, a business man, an Abba who has the love and devotion of his children, has built many buildings and supported entire families and states. His mark is left on buildings and businesses worldwide. He’s bold, courageous, compassionate, kind and a real man of courage.