The Real Devil
© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
I recently read an article by Matt Bai on Yahoo who fancies himself as a National Political Columnist. He wrote a very insulting article “What D.C. Republicans will do if it’s Trump vs. Cruz. He goes on to describe the GOP as a Car and the perspective drivers as “Daredevil” (Mr. Donald J. Trump) they do not know vs. “Devil” (Mr. Ted Cruz) they know. Bai’ insults Mr. Trump about the male genitalia remarks but fails to mention the culprit Marco Rubio who instigated this whole fiasco. Bai is also very insulting in referring to Mr. Trump.
Apparently, BAI should say BYE to writing pathetic editorials as he has not read any of Mr. Trump’s books, and I am sure he’s certainly no billionaire, nor has he read any history on Obama or Hillary. He goes on to quote his Communist Commie Unity organizer and sarcastically states Hope is not a strategy. Listen, Hope came and went, and Change never came, except most Americans barely have any Change after their paychecks from decreased hours and paying for this joke called Obama care. Let’s face it; I agree with Bai on one thing, Cruz is an Establishment Crony but no devil. Yea he’s palatable, meaning Cruz lacks courage, and is indeed coachable, and calculating, and desperate I might add.
What Matt Bai seems to have overlooked is the fact that there is a real Devil already loose, and it is not Mr. Trump nor Mr. Cruz. No, this Devil is Hillary Clinton. While Donald J. Trump was quietly busting his ass and building an empire, the Clinton’s were busy installing their Communist Agenda. Good ole Boy Bill Clinton from Arkansas was busy getting into all sorts of action on the sidelines, as apparently Hillary was too busy pursuing her own agenda with the devil himself. The “Counter Cultural” radicals headed by Saul Alinsky were busy getting their hands into federal funds under Johnson’s War on the Poverty program for their own Communist Agendas. Many of us were not born or were mere children when the devil himself entered Saul Alinsky and inspired him to write Reveille for Radicals, which was republished in 1969.
Enter an undergraduate named Hillary Rodham who idolized Alinsky so much that her 92-page Senior thesis was based upon Alinsky’s theories and she interviewed him personally for the project. She went so far as to compare Alinsky to Eugene Debs, Walt Whitman and Republican Martin Luther King even though she herself is a Democrat. The title of her thesis was “There is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model” She focused on Alinsky’s single most radical cause, which was the embracing of political nihilism. For those who don’t know “Political Nihilism is: a destructive assault on the established order in the name of the “people” (who, in the fashion common to dictators, are designated as such by the revolutionary elite). In essence, “The issue is never the issue, but rather the Revolution.” However, in the end, the real cause is the advancement of “Power.” Alinsky vehemently told all of his students that the purpose of organizing was not to help others but for “Power.” We see the whole theme of “Black Power, Black Panther Power, Black Lives Matter (Klan With A Tan) their ideologies are the same as the KKK, bully, infringe upon the freedom of others by playing the role of the victim. Thankfully, the scales have fallen from the eyes of many African Americans who have now been made aware of the agenda of Social Eugenics of Margaret Sanger (Founder of Planned Parenthood). It is an organization, which was founded as a means to commit genocide against the black people who are largely Democrat and the voting base for a party intent on keeping them enslaved to poverty. Sanger is also one of Hillary Clinton’s heroes. They are increasingly becoming aware that the Democratic party has done nothing but feed the fires of hatred, elected a President who fed the race card so much that it has began smelling like “rotten stinky cheese.”
We have clearly seen that Mr. Trump is being demonized for wanting to help Americans and Make America great again by:
Taking measures to keep Americans safer.
To build a Wall. See my blog on “Trumps wall”
To bring back jobs to America.
To beautify the American infrastructure
To build our Military and support our Troops by stemming the tide of Veteran Suicides (22 commit suicide daily, that 8030 a year which is unacceptable).
To help vets gain benefits, mental health intervention and jobs.
Give Americans a Hand Up not a Handout.
The current administration of Obama, which is taking millions from our Veterans and giving them to incoming Muslim Syrian Refugees, comprised mostly of fighting military age young men who are not even wanted by their own governments. Many are crossing the Mexican border with illegal papers (see my blog:The Refugee from Ecuador).
Obama has also given 100 billion to Iran, which is America and Israel’s archenemy.
Collectively Obama’s and Hillary are one in the same and their hero is Saul Alinsky. They both worship Alinsky and his skewed thinking, which is almost worse than Communism. His goal was in organizing people for Power, in order to achieve Dictatorship or Anarchy. The idea was to build a Power Base whereby they can use it to destroy the existing society and its economic system. Barack Obama has done just that, and the American LibTards are only happy to promote Hillary Clinton who will continue that destruction of America as a Society. We are supposed to be a system of the people by the people for the people and they have nearly destroyed our economic system, which Mr. Trump desperately wants to rebuild. You see, Alinsky initial power base was built upon the underclass and the urban power; by mobilizing them against feeding their anger at their pathetic economic status. Hillary Clinton’s final words in her thesis in 1968 were a prophetic indicator in her quest for Power and of a deep and profound admiration for Alinsky whose hero was Lucifer: “Alinsky is regarded by many as the proponent of a dangerous socio/political philosophy. As such he has been feared – just as Eugene Debs, or Walt Whitman or Martin Luther King has been feared, because each embraced the most radical of political faiths – democracy.” But democracy as understood by the American founders is not “the most radical of all political faiths” or, if it is, they regarded it as dangerous enough to put checks and balances in its way to restrain it.” It is clear from her statement that she has a profound dislike of our Foundational heritage, our Founding Forefathers, Constitutional heritage and our Republic in which there is indeed a system of Checks and Balances which she along with Barack Obama are hell bent on destroying. Alinsky was so taken with Hillary Clinton offered her a job with his new training institute in 1969. She kept her connections with his organization in 2007 while she was in the White House. She even raised money and attended two events organized by his IAF affiliate. See Washington Post archives of 3/24/2007.
Fast forward to 2008, and we see a junior Senator named Barack Obama elected President, in spite of evidence of illegal funding, birth certificate issues etc. but he somehow managed to raise 668 million dollars and stole the White House by race baiting, and a Master Baiting Media. Three of Obama’s mentors in Chicago were trained at the Alinsky Industrial Areas Foundation, and Obama himself taught workshops on the Alinsky Model of Power which promotes destruction of an existing society and its economic system by Community Organizing. Recall Acorn? I have completed classes on “Community Leadership” before I realized what it was. As I look back it’s quite deceptive, yet presented under a very “Community Umbrella and a lot of fires of race relations and hatred are stoked in these Classes, the money comes from, you guessed it, Liberal Causes and Government).Most importantly, Saul Alinsky’s hero is someone which all of us Christians despise, that hero is an enemy of God, an enemy of mankind, of freedom and truth. Yes, the enemy of America, which was founded upon the Judeo-Christian Principles of the Bible, mainly the Torah, and that enemy, is Lucifer. Lucifer is the hero of Saul Alinsky as according to Alinsky, Lucifer was the first rebel, the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (God’s Kingdom) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom. We can all clearly surmise that if Lucifer is the hero of Saul Alinsky who is the hero of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama? Are you connecting the dots yet? Especially after witnessing the Black Lives Matter (Klan with a Tan) in Chicago where Mr. Trump the current GOP front runner was planning a rally, but was threatened and attacked and a black man was murdered by BLM (apparently your black life does not matter unless you stand for the cause of Power). Chicago also happens to be Obama’s political playground and spiritually houses a regional principality, which the Bible warns us about in Ephesians 6:12. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities and principalities (authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil). America we are under evil forces of darkness, when you have leaders, which worship the ideals of the devil and a man whose hero is Lucifer, you had better pray very hard, because we are in some deep trouble.