© 2016 HadassahShabnamLal
In light of this latest set of the stupidity in comments on twitter regarding our right to bear arms by Jeb Bush and also the pro 2nd Amendment stance by Donald Trump who are both running for President as of 2/16/2015 I wish to share the following links. Shame on you Americans who were born here but are total LibTards (Yes, Liberal Retards are those who take for granted the rights of Americans in reference to their Bibles and their guns). Massive amounts of Rapes & Murders are being committed upon Europeans because of their ban on guns. We have the most Anti-American and Anti-Biblical individual occupying our White House (I refuse to refer to him by a title that he has utterly disgraced by attacking everything American including our Bibles and Guns). Please read the following articles authored by true Americans. Thank you everyone, it is time we Bible Believing, Gun toting Americans get on our damn knees and start praying for a man to be elected who will have the courage, the tenacity, and the testicles to stand up to the enemies of America, and that man is Donald Jr. Trump. Read his book Crippled America instead of all the bullshit the Libtard Alphabet soup media is feeding America. Considering 60% of those Millennials get their news from FaceBook, that’s a frightening thought. But then again 60% of the Boomer generation and older cite their news sources as the Alphabet Soup media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN). The Libtard ticket has Bernie=Free Shit; Killary=Bullshit, and their logo is a JackAss (Donkey). We are in deep trouble, and it’s time to wake up and stand up and exercise your right to vote, everyone. All that Community Leadership and Organization has placed an enemy of America in our White House, let’s take America back.
The Second Amendment and the Inalienable Right to Self-DefenseBy Nelson Lund, Ph.D.
America’s Most Biblically Hostile President by David Barton on 6/16/2015