© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
It has been nearly a decade and a half, since the crisis of 9/11 brought America to its knees, as a Christian nation. For a time, the crisis precipitated a nation that seemed to awaken to its Judeo-Christian heritage, only to fall complacent again.
As an American, I am sick and tired of hearing about the rich cultural heritage of every other group except the rich cultural heritage of the diverse Judeo-Christian principals that America was founded upon as a nation under God, and yes the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Our military service members are being indoctrinated with the Political Correctness BS, and it is not a Religious War, but I beg to differ. It is a religious war, and the war is on the Judeo-Christian faiths brought on by the politically correct idiots. The cultural imprint of our Judeo Christian has brought on our own demise.
Here are a few inconsistencies.
- The Ten Commandments of the Bible (Tanakh) may not be posted in Public Schools and many federal sites have followed suit in this stupidity.
- However, the U.S. Congress employs a Christian Chaplain.
- The words “One nation under God” may someday be excluded in our Pledge of Allegiance and the flag that represents the United States of America.
- However “In God we Trust” is on our national currency, with Libtards constantly fighting to have it removed.
- Families and students are increasingly forbidden from praying at high school football games, but;
- Presidents and the Congress routinely pray in the White House and the Oval Office.
- The modern soldier may personally be as religious as he wants to be, but his country forbids him from publicly defining his fight in religious terms, or defining himself as an agent of faith.
- Ironically, in our “War on Terror” post 9/11, we face an enemy that is comprised of a religious network citing religious reasons as their primary focal point of aggression. There was no ISIS or ISIL (ironically, when this is pronounced with a Middle Eastern accent, the word very much sounds like Asshole).
In his famous quote “Duty, Honor, Country” General Douglas MacArthur stated “The soldier; above all other men, is required to practice the greatest act of religious training-sacrifice. In battle and in the face of danger and death, he discloses those divine attributes with his Maker gave when He created man in His own image. No physical courage and no brute instinct can take the place of the divine help, which alone can sustain him.”
We know from our Biblical knowledge that the above words echo the haunting words of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, Son of Abraham, Son of God. John 15:13 “Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends.”
We must recall that faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was and is an integral part of military life in the United States of America.
Oddly enough, our Military is not permitted to address the conduct of the recent War on Terrorism along with even Terrorism that has been brought to our shores at a religious level. However, in terrorism, America’s primary enemy in the world is a network of Islamic Muslim radicals bent on the rape, murder, and terrorizing of American civilians in the continental United States as well as abroad. Sanctimoniously, there is an increasing demand for religious neutrality on the part of the American Military, the Libtard Media along with the Alphabet Soup media, which leaves the Military Chaplains most of whom are Christians basically, hamstrung. This is in stark contrast to the intent of the original Military and the intent of the forefathers of America. Men who placed a high value upon the Judeo-Christian principles of the Bible founded us.
If we do not see a rising up of the traditional American in Military Uniform, and take steps to protect them, we shall be subject to more attacks on our Military as well Civilian citizens.
This nonsense of political correctness run amuck in our Military and Libtard Media i.e.: the Alphabet Soup Media must stop. We must fight to preserve our Judeo-Christian heritage without compromise lest Civil Disobedience of a highest form is necessary.
Thus, I leave you to ponder this infamous quote by Henry David Thoreau.
“I perceive that, when an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side, the one does not remain inert to make a way for the other, but both obey their own laws, and spring and grow and flourish as best they can, till one, perchance, overshadows and destroys the other. If a plant cannot live according to nature, it dies; and so a man.”
Everyday, the political correctness is shoved into the faces of hardworking American citizens and military personnel like “mad floodwaters undermining the American way of life in terms of our religious freedoms.” At this very moment, we are in a crisis, and we need change in the best way possible. We need to change America back to the great nation that she was before 9/11, when she was “respected and feared” not made a laughing stock of her enemies within the hems of her shore by the strutting Libtard Media run amuck in political correctness, and biblical incorrectness. If we are not allowed to live according to our nature, our Judeo-Christian principles and Constitution that were designed to protect us, our children and their children, then surely we will die as a nation, and as a Military Leader on the world stage.