Keep On Walking Mr. Trump
© 2016 Hadassah Shabnam Lal
“A Mother’s response to the threat against Trump’s Son”
I am an American Patriot, who happens to be a 4th generation Christian from Pakistan. Just when I thought it could not get any uglier for the Presidential elections, we see news of threats against Mr. Trump’s son Eric. It is one thing to harass, intimidate and bully a candidate who is running for President of the United States, but when you threaten his children, it places you in the same category as Satan himself. Considering the fact that the adversary of the human race has been threatening the seed of the woman since the beginning of time, it comes as no surprise when a strong man of principle such as Mr. Donald J. Trump rises to the occasion as a modern-day-Nehemiah to repair a very Crippled America. We say to you Mr. Trump “Just Keep on Walking” and the above song is dedicated to you.
Mr. Trump; as an American and as a mother, I want you to know that we pray for you, your children, your grandchildren along with your wife. The threats against you and your children are beyond reprehensible, vile, and appalling. I am sure that I speak for nearly all Trump supporters who themselves are parents as well. Threatening me is one thing, but once you threaten my child or children then it becomes war.
But then again isn't this how the tolerant, progressive left who hide under the umbrella of "feel good social causes" pretending to fight for the good of humanity operate. By threatening to murder presidential candidates and their families for the sake of democracy (Islam/which is an utter joke when it comes to domocratic ideals as it censors freedom of speech, while oppressing women, children, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikh's, Yezidi's, did I leave anyone out?) oh yes Gays. And this is under the guise of making accusations of racism against a candidate who fought for Blacks and Jews in reference to membeship in prestigious Golf Clubs in Fla. Oh and all this while they dance on and disrespect the American Flag.
I do not think that the cowards who have made these threats and sent a “white powder-like substance” according to recent News reports are playing. These idiots do not realize that Mr. Trump could fund his own Militia, not that he would need to as millions of Americans are just waiting for the opportunity to stand tall and proud as warriors reclaiming America’s strength and respect. You see, America’s forefathers were all Warriors. They were men of principle, they were heroes, fighters, they were indeed Warriors. Mr. Trump has effectually ignited a “fire in the bones of American Patriots” and given them a voice. America is now awakening from her slumber.
( Men and women from every walk of life, race and color are coming alongside this courageous and boldly outspoken man. He is a successful businessman, a grandfather, a father, and a husband. Granted he has gone through some troubles and failures, but he has triumphed mightily. Donald J. Trump is an overcomer. He possesses business acumen unrivaled. His knowledge base of world cultures, politics, and business practices is rare. Trump’s hero is his father; unlike Barack Obama, our current Potus whose hero is a community organizer named Saul Alinsky like himself. Oh and Saul Alinsky’s hero is none other than Lucifer. According to Alinsky (Barack Obama’s hero) Satan was the first one to successfully rebel against God and the Kingdom of heaven.
On the one hand, Mr. Trump is seeking to “restore America to its glory days” whereas Barack Obama has decimated America and utilized his knowledge of America’s Constitution to Subvert and destroy the rights of Americans, especially those of Christians. Obama has made fun of Americans who embrace their Bible’s and Guns in essence making fun of our Constitutional rights as Christians and our Rights to bear Arms. Alinsky who is Obama’s hero heaped praise upon Satan, as he is the master of destroying values, structures and institutions of civility. Our democratic values have sustained our Nation under God for over two hundred years. America’s very foundations are in opposition to the ideologies’ of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. In fact, Hillary Clinton’s thesis in 1969 was “There Is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.” In her thesis, this woman Hillary Clinton who is running opposite to Mr. Donald Trump singled out political nihilism as the most important aspect of Alinsky’s radical cause. In fact, Alinsky was so impressed by Hillary Clinton that he offered her a job with his new training institute in Chicago in 1969. I suppose that would explain the near riots in Chicago by the BLM (disguised Klan with a Tan) operating in the same Satanic spirit of Alinsky who is Obama and Hillary Clinton’s hero. The progressives, communists and socialists have always chosen the underlings of society under the guise of Community Causes to champion their revolutionary agendas. The idea behind American democracy, which was put in place by our founders, is cause for problem and concern for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. They follow Alinsky’s model and therefore consider the democratic process of our Republic as “dangerous” because there is a system of checks and balances. That system of checks and balances was put in place to restrain the political process and keep it from becoming anarchy, a dictatorship. Sadly, now even the Republican Party is ready to commit suicide as they have their own agendas and have covertly worked alongside special interest groups at the express expense of the American taxpayers.
At this point, Americans can stand with Mr. Trump and pray that somehow, our modern-day Nehemiah is successful in his bid to serve the American people. In contrast, America has taken a Trip to the Cemetery under Barack Obama’s leadership and Hillary Clinton with her lies being a liar/lawyer will be all too happy finish America’s Trip to the Cemetery. On the other hand, Mr. Trump is not a “seasoned politician, nor can he be bought” as he has worked his ass off to build an empire, and does not need any money from special interest groups or politicians.” Even though people constantly watch him, threaten him, block him and try to place barricades in front of him, Trump just keeps on walking and more Americans are joining him in that walk to Make a Crippled America Great Again, and bring her back to her Glory Days. “A true treasure cannot be bought, and Mr. Trump is precisely that.” (