© 9/2014 HadassahShabnamLal
Many of you know me as a staunch American Patriot and an Israeli supporter. What many of you may not know is that my upbringing as a Christian in Pakistan prepared me quite amazingly for what many of you today are witnessing with the onslaught of not just Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israeli-ism, but Anti-Christian-ism and Anti-American-ism.
In Pakistan, unleavened bread (roti or chappati)is a staple of the Pakistani and Indian diet. Often in the summer months, people take their bread to be baked in public ovens called “tandoors.” I was a little girl and it was a stinkin hot summer day (about 115 degrees) mid-afternoon about 2:30p.m. Although we had a servant, my mother decided it would be better for us to take the dough and have it baked in a public oven (tandoor). Thus, my sister and I walked to the middle of our street, and waited in the hot sun for our turn to have the bread baked. Finally, it was our turn but the woman refused to bake our bread (roti). She sneered at us and told us “You are Kafir, your Kafir (infidel) hands have touched this flour, and I will not bake it.” You see, she was a Muslim, and a neighbor had informed her that our family was Christian. With heads hung low, my sister and I returned home to give my mom, the awful news of being called Kafirs and no bread but with dough. This happened in Pakistan in the 1970’s, and was my first brush with bigotry simply because my family and are were Christians.
My father had witnessed some persecution of Christians, but it was nothing like it is today. I believe that incident along with many others, prompted him to immigrate with his young family to America. He even visited the UK for a time and contemplated taking his young family there, but when he arrived in the UK, he made note of the plethora of Islamic presence and mosques and decided to bring his young family to America instead. In fact, he said that the Muslims had already began to turn Great Britain into a Muslim State already (mind you this was in the 1970’s).
It appears that the seed Ishmael (Muslims) has gotten ever more brazen, and bold in their persecution, hatred and killing of Kafirs (Infidels which are comprised mainly of Jews and Christians and other religious minorities).
America: “I urge you to wake up”
The threat is real.
The hatred is real.
The deception is real.
I lived it and it is far worse than you could ever imagine. That was my first experience with Islamic hatred directed at two little girls whose only “offense” was being a Christians (Kafirs, Infidels).