Donald Trump Jr. Rightfully Defends His Dad
© 2017 by Hadassah Shabnam Lal
MasterBaiter Media Spin: Donald Trump Jr. slams Johnny Depp: Seriously? Excuse Me! but Johnny Dump is the one who attacked President Donald J. Trump and you don't expect his children esp. Donald Jr. not to defend his dad? You drunken alcoholic abuser? It seems that these so called celebrities have made it a habit of threatening our beloved President. Each time their status is in decline, and they need a boost, they make horrid threats and comments about murdering him. I say boot these female dogs (ie: Kathy Ugly Red Head Griffin) and rectal orifices (Johnny Dump & Snoop Pig Dog, & others) yep, boot them to JAIL... I met Donald Jr. at a Republican Dinner and he's a good and godly man, a great husband, father, and brother & son, not to mention a Patriot who loves America and his dad. Shame on these Jerks and Jerkettes. It seems the day after another horrid joke at the expense of my President Trump whom I admire, the fecal matter coming from the left liberal celebrities shows no signs of stopping. As a 4th generation Christian from Pakistan, the daughter of Republican parents and very educated ones at that (my father was an English teacher & a history teacher, my mom was a teacher as well), I am appalled at all constant attacks on President Trump. These attacks are not entertaining but vile, evil, disrespectful and done in very poor taste, but then most of Hollywood has no taste, let alone any worth except monetarily. Many have substance abuse problems, are suffering from multiple ego issues, and generally cannot afford to wear enough clothing to cover their bodies. They are far from being Celebrities, I certainly don’t celebrate them. Let’s look at the definition of the words: Celebrity, Celebrate, and Celebrated. You decide if any of these F listers are worth “Celebrating”
American Heritage College Dictionary: Celebrity: Renown “A famous person” one who is known and praised widely.
The word “Celebrity” stems from the root word: Celebrate.
Celebrate: “To observe (a day or an even with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing.” To extol or praise. To make widely known; to engage in festivities after a victory.
Celebrated: Known and praised widely;
As an educated American Patriot (I have a Masters in Ministry Leadership and a BSM) from IWU and have thoroughly studied American history. I have also studied the influence of the Judeo-Christian faith in the formation of America. It disgusts me to have to witness this type of hatred against a man who has done more for America in the last 6 (six months) than the last leader who decimated America during his reign of power, bowed down to our enemies and was the most biblically hostile leader in our history of the presidency. I cannot even allow myself to mention his name on my blog as I find it an insult to my parents who brought me here to America to get away from the very things that are being brought here. And my God, depicted execution by beheading of a President (beheading is the favored form of execution by Muslim extremist). Americans esp. Celebrities seem to have a selective for of Amnesia & forget things fairly quickly. Have they forgotten that in 2002 a young Jewish reporter named Daniel Pearl who worked for the WSJ (Wall Street Journal) was captured and beheaded in Karachi Pakistan? He was 39, and left a wife who was pregnant with their child. Next we had a play in New York (President Trump’s hometown) a play depicting death by stabbing? Amazingly much to our dismay, there was a shooting of Republicans by a rabid Democrat who was totally uneducated. That bozo was a Sanders supporter and did not know that the woman who lost to President Trump, had Saul Alinsky as her hero. Her college thesis was on his Communist leaning Model of Socialist ideologies, and he firmly believed in “eliminating the middle class.” But it was all under the guise of Community and bringing Commie-Unity I say. And the latest in the debacle is the assassination of President Trump comment by Johnny Depp a Hollywood “celebrity” who is an alcoholic, with a history of domestic violence fitting the typical persona of the Hollywood A-listers. As far as I am concerned, these so called celebrities belong on the F list. Yes a list of “Flunkies and Failures” I invite you to watch my video in which I defended not only President Trump, but the honor of Christians who were beheaded for their faith. I hardly call this type of stuff “entertainment.” As an American, and staunch defender of our President and the Christian faith, I do not “celebrate these “Flunkies and Failures” nor consider them to be worthy to be called “Celebrities” and I’m sure you will agree. Thank You Donald Trump Jr. for coming to the defense of your father, and the father of our country at this moment in time. Millions of Americans including myself stand with the Trump family. This nonsense needs to stop.